Anti- oxidant - it works as one of the best antioxidant by having a scavenging power for free radicals that are solely responsible for causing senile changes in the body. It is very helpful in preventing the formation of the free radicals and also helps in removing the debris out of the cell. It can be used both locally and for oral use.
ยท Epilepsy - it is very helpful in treating the condition of Brain C 13 system. Any kind of diseases that are caused due to nervous system abnormality can easily be treated with the regular use of bacopa or commonly called as Brahmi. It strengthens the nervous system and also tones it up to cope with the abnormalities. As these nervous disorders are caused due to Brain disorder in the body, Brahmi is very efficient in making vata dosha to regain its normalcy state. Brahmi is hot in potency there by helps in curbing the vata effect. It is also helpful in strengthening the problems that are being related to brain and improves the reflex actions.