The city was under a state of emergency, and travel was extremely limited (I did not go home for a total of two weeks. Thankfully, I was able to sleep on my old roommates couch).
Moving back to Syracuse was something I never imagined. Growing up on the city's South Side was rough and I recognized at an early age, job prospects would continue to go down because everyone I knew was saying "I/we can't wait to leave Syracuse." As far as I knew everyone, and their mother wanted out. Needless to say I was not overly excited to go back to a place I felt was going downhill very fast at the time. Funny how we as human beings always think we have the answers, right?
A couple things happened almost immediately when I moved back to Syracuse that made me feel as though I was in the wrong for not wanting to come back Brainwave Shots Review
to the place that I was born and raised. One, I was able to reestablish genuine connections with my immediate family members. So many times when I would come home to visit while living in Buffalo, everyone would say "we are all doing well" when in fact they were not. Being face-to-face frequently forced us to have what I like to call "beneath the surface" conversations. After being around someone for longer periods of time you get down to the root of their problems/wants/needs/desires, if you truly pay attention.