When do they buy? What are their buying habits? In short, you have to map the complete journey of the purchase phase to know the needs of your prospects and what they are trying to do in the next phase. Here are some steps you need to follow to create an ideal customer persona: It roughly defines personal information such as location, age, gender, interests,
Education level, job title, language, willingness ghost mannequin effect to buy, and income level. Get a better understanding of your customers with Facebook Insights and Google Analytics Audience reports. Model personas based on behavioral drivers and perceived ideas (these 10 behavioral segmentation methods are a good place to start). image2 1
Perform customer surveys to identify relevant information about your customers and create personas based on their stories. No need to guess! Act and test on data to continue optimizing existing customer personas. The customer's persona looks like this: image3 sauce Free Bonus Download: Don't Reinvent the Wheel –