Psychological Pricing Strategies Usual or usual Whatsapp Mobile Number List price (sweets) The consumption of frequently purchased or low-priced products is usually sold at round units of currency. What is usually done is not to raise the price, but to Whatsapp Mobile Number List freeze it for a while by reducing the size or raise it by increasing its content. Even versus odd prices . Odd prices (or odd decimals) are associated with lower quality Whatsapp Mobile Number List products. If we want to offer an image of prestige and exclusivity, they would not be highly recommended. Image or prestige prices. These are high prices that seek to denote quality.
There must be a reciprocal and positive Whatsapp Mobile Number List relationship between price and quality. Price based on perceived value. Price assigned based on utility or consumer satisfaction. For example, a consumer would be willing to Whatsapp Mobile Number List pay more for a salad at a fancy restaurant than at a popular one, even though the salad is the same. psychological prices Pricing strategies according to the product portfolio Loss leader. It means having a product with low prices that does not provide benefits but serves as a lure to Whatsapp Mobile Number List attract new buyers and sell another series of products with higher prices.
Prices of optional products (car tires) It involves Whatsapp Mobile Number List offering certain products as options that are complementary to the main one. You have to decide what those products are and whether or not they should be included in the initial Whatsapp Mobile Number List price of the product. Pricing of captive products (gas) This involves offering a main product at a low and attractive price to create a captive market for complementary products. In the Whatsapp Mobile Number List case of services, it is called the price for two concepts, and it is usual for the telephone or electricity.